Truth Quest Q&A
1 Corinthians 15:35-38 · July 7, 2021
The video features Pastor Robert Furrow from Calvary Chapel Tucson answering various questions on topics such as the rapture, Adam and Eve, salvation, biblical interpretations, spiritual manifestations, and more. Viewers can ask questions during the Hot Topic Wednesday Q&A session for insights on living for Jesus, the Bible, and the Christian life.
00:00 Intro
01:51 Why do those who return with Jesus in the rapture need a body?
04:12 Did Adam and Eve need to use the restroom before The Fall?
05:23 Did the Urim and Thummim represent the Holy Spirit?
08:24 do you believe a person can lose their salvation?
12:05 What is your opinion on The Book of 1 Enoch?
17:19 James says God can't be tempted, but Jesus was tempted
19:27 Why did Jesus curse a fig tree that wasn't in season?
25:00 Why do we believe the Bible and not other spiritual books?
27:56 Will fallen angels physically manifest in the end times?
29:59 How long is a "generation" in the Bible?
33:22 Why did Eve change God's statement to "we can't look at the tree"?
37:13 How bad can the world get before Jesus returns?
39:13 Should church leaders who do not act committed to the Lord be reported?
42:16 Can scripture have more than 2 meanings?
44:53 Did the magicians in Egypt use slight of hand?
46:38 Who were the Nephilim?
50:23 What is the power of raising hands in worship?
53:15 Abaddon seems like a physical manifestation of a demon
54:50 Why did King David need a young girl to be brought to him to keep him warm?
56:41 What is meditating on God's word?
1:00:20 Can speaking in tongues only be understood by some people?